Right requires stronger unity

On Jan. 6, 199 Republican lawmakers ascended Congress and took their place in the House and Senate. Supported by the growing Tea Party, Republicans are united in their determination to reverse the health care legislation. However, the party’s lack of unified ideals will inevitably divide it.

The Republican Party has always been a loose alliance of different beliefs only united by a leader who may not support their views but opposes the political left. Eisenhower, Reagan and even Bush managed to keep the party unified against a specific opponent, whether it be Democrats, socialists or terrorists.

Now the Republican Party has no leader to unify it. Neither the fledgling Sarah Palin nor the veteran John McCain or even the vocal Rush Limbaugh holds clear dominion over the party. As a result, when the time comes for the Republicans to push forward their own bills, particularly on more controversial issues, they will meet opposition from both their supporters and their opponents.

 Even more detrimental to the party’s unity is the fact that no Republican can advocate their ideals without diminishing the party’s support. If they advocate immigration reform, then they lose the immigrant vote and the budget balancers. If they demand further war spending, they risk being associated with the late Bush era.

It cannot be denied that Republican Party has managed to call upon a vast range of supporters yet it is precisely this range that will split the party in two. The Republican party will inevitably be divided by the fact no leader holds the support of the entire party or even the the majority.