New Ramps, Easier Mobility for Wheelchairs

ost notice the renovations to the school such as the main entrance, new science wing and new classroom space. However, some may not notice that there are also two long ramps replacing the previous use of lifts. The ramps make moving around the school easier for wheelchair-bound students like myself.  When the school was built, only the elevator helped ease mobilty for people with physical disabilties.

One ramp stretches from the main floor to the hall leading to the trailers. Another leads to the parking lot closest to the football field. These improvements cost money, but in assistant principal Jeff Litz’s opinion, “it is worth every penny” for every student, faculty member and guest to have easier access around the school.

Because these ramps are so long and steep, they make it difficult to push back up those ramps, but passersby are always willing to help me. The ramp going to the football field makes for easier access to pep rallies. Previously, because it took so long to get outside, I often felt that I missed half the pep rally by the time I got there.

Besides the ramps, there are a few other accommodations for people who have a mobilty challenge, such as a new elevator. It has to be inspected before being used. Another accommodation includes two safety rooms which are useful during fire drills. Anyone on the second floor who can’t get downstairs without the use of an elevator goes to a science workroom in case of a fire. Another room is to be added above the library; it is still under construction.