Five seniors toured the White House on Nov. 10, after a White House staffer reached out to Principal Jeff Litz about the opportunity for seniors passionate about history.

History teacher Nora Brennan selected seniors Jai Bhide, Steve Underwood, Jordan Shamukiga, Claire Heiden and Devyn Lee at random.

While on the tour, the seniors went through the executive building as well as rooms like the West Wing, the Oval Office and the Situation Room.

“Walking through the West Wing was absolutely surreal,” senior Claire Heiden said. “It’s crazy to think of how much history was made in that one complex.”

They spoke with White House interns and toured with a member of the administration.

“It instilled a deep appreciation for our policymakers […] and reinforced the power of our presidency” Heiden said.

According to Brennan, who accompanied the students to D.C., the trip was an “exceptional opportunity” for the seniors to experience the White House.

“My only regret is that […] we couldn’t have everybody go,” Brennan said.

After the recent election ending the Obama administration, the group got to experience first-hand the transition stage between Presidents.

“When we were there, it’s a historic time for the current administration as well,” Heiden said. “I feel incredibly grateful to have had the chance to go on the tour.”

According to Brennan, the trip was an invaluable opportunity to be exposed to policymaking.

“We need thoughtful, bright, creative minds to help shape the direction of our country,” Brennan said.