Late bus program fails at intended purpose

The late bus runs on Mondays from 5 to 5:30 p.m. and is a great advantage for those who stay after school for clubs, activities and after school help. At the same time, its effectiveness is limited because it is only available one day out of the whole week.

There are several clubs and activities that occur after school throughout the week. Students that are interested in these clubs and activities are not able to participate in them due to the issue of transportation. If the late buses ran throughout the week or at least on one or two more days, the number of students involved in sports and clubs would likely increase.

After school clubs require a commitment, both of time and attendance. It could range from staying after school once a month for a club meeting or everyday for the sports season. Either way, some will not be able to stay for the activity without a bus to take them home.

The late bus schedule also affects students’ learning and academic work. When late buses are available, students have more chances to stay after school for help. If students stay after school on Mondays to get help, they may not attain it since some teachers may not be available on that day. Education is imperative for students, and the late bus schedule will likely negatively impact their grades and performance.

If students decide to stay after school when late buses are not running, they will need a parent to pick them up. This not only becomes a hassle for them, but an issue for parents as well. Parents will have to leave early from work to pick their kid up. Some parents are not able to do that though, so the student has to stay late and wait for a parent to come and get them.

Late buses are very beneficial, but they could be more advantageous if they ran throughout the week.