FBLA, Business students visit TopGolf

Future Business Leaders of America members and IB Business students had the opportunity to learn about TopGolf as a business.
“It was a lot of fun,” IB Business student and junior Preston Balisky said. “I really enjoyed getting to learn about how the business works.”
Students first learned how TopGolf functions as a business and how they faced challenges through COVID.
“They were able to deal with the pandemic and use certain strengths of their service to their advantage,” senior and FBLA secretary Katie Murphy said. “I learned [about] their idea behind branching out with venues around the country as well as around the globe.”
Afterwards, students experienced all aspects of TopGolf, which include testing several golfing modes and their menu, which accounts for around 60% of all revenue.
“TopGolf is different from regular golfing because of the tracking system they have inside the golf balls allowing you to see speed and other statistics you don’t normally get to see,” Murphy said. “You can play games and compete against your friends through their technology.”
Having an interactive field trip helped both Murphy and Balisky, who said they better understand real world businesses.
“I got to learn about how TopGolf works and implement what we’ve learned in business or with real world situations,” Balisky said.