SaulPaul speaks to ‘Be The Change’ at assembly

Appearing on TEDx, Dancing with the Stars and even sporting a Grammy Award nomination consideration, musician SaulPaul spoke and sang to freshmen in an Advisory assembly.

On his “Be the Change’’ tour, consisting of 100 schools in 32 states, the artist played music and spoke of his own life experiences in hopes of getting his message across. The artist had one goal: inspire students to change the world they live in for the better.

“Though I didn’t have much growing up, my grandmother taught me that as long as you have something, you have something to give,” SaulPaul said. “Whether it’s time, talent or treasure, I saw my grandmother do the most with the least, and that’s what I’m sharing while I’m on tour.”

Systems of Support Adviser Kathleen Sokolove said the school won a lottery to have SaulPaul speak to students. At the beginning of the year, a counselor heard about the opportunity when the artist presented at the back-to-school conference for FCPS School Counselors.

“SaulPaul’s positive message about being a positive force for change and being a leader in your life seemed ideal for ninth graders who will help to shape the Marshall community over the next four years,” Sokolove said.

Freshman Simon Rodham said the event was a fun alternative to the assemblies the school has had in the past.

“The assembly went well,” Rodham said. “It was fun, and Saul was chill.”

Freshman Layla Mohran agreed.

“He was fun, and he had a good, non-boring story,” Mohran said.

SaulPaul said he believes his message is even more resonant because of the time we are all currently living in right now.

“We may all live on the same planet, but we each live in our own world,” SaulPaul said. “My encouragement to my audience is for everyone to be the change in the world they live in.”