Despite their inherent differences, swim & dive compete and practice together. The combined practices strengthen the bond between the teams. “I really love the communal environment and how the whole team is like one big family,” junior and swimmer Gabriela Stapleton said. On Thursday nights, both teams have a pastaContinue Reading

This year’s Individual Oral Presentations, IOPs, in HL English began Oct. 30 and are extending until Jan. 18, taking two quarters to complete.   HL English is the highest level English course for juniors and seniors. The IOP is a large summative assessment for the course. “[Junior Gillian Weed andContinue Reading

Faculty and students gave back to the community this month in the annual Red Cross sponsored blood drive, donating 58 units of blood. 90 people over the age of 16 signed up to donate, but not all were able to do so. Several factors, such as an appropriate BMI andContinue Reading