Breathe. Move. These are the steps to a good yoga practice, according to yoga teacher Kelsey Steele. Steele’s class is new to in-person learning because it ran online last year, and students say they are enjoying it. “It’s a good way to learn about your body and how it works,”Continue Reading

One of the themes I have observed in the coverage of other publications across our county, and rightfully so, is the spotlight that mental health has taken. Early December can be a time of stress for high school students, especially after a year and a half of virtual instruction. InContinue Reading

The month of October said quite a bit about the current dynamics between students, staff and school. In times when controversy becomes a focal point of school discussion, we want to reaffirm our commitment to impartial, but also complete, coverage. Our intent will always be to inform our readership andContinue Reading

Between conflicting spirit week schedules and an uproar over changed traditions, Homecoming Week escalated into controversy that disrupted our community. The poor discourse between administrative groups and students is all the more frustrating because every person involved has the same goal in mind: bring together the community and increase schoolContinue Reading

The Freshman Transition Program, or FTP, pairs senior mentors with classes of freshmen to help aid their transition from middle school to high school.  FTP went from in-person to virtual and back again, separated by gender to co-ed. Rank & File members recall their individual FTP experiences from the pastContinue Reading

2020 saw a rising financial crisis, pandemic, political instability, andtragic explosion hit Lebanon, but also the creation of Marshall’s Peace in the Middle East club. On May 14, the new club organized a fundraiser at local chain Burger 7 to raise money for Lebanon. “The money we donated is usedContinue Reading

The creation of a new European soccer league has led some Marshall students to reconsider their overseas allegiances. Twelve European teams from England, Italy and Spain confirmed they will join the European Super League, which would disqualify them from some of the world’s best domestic leagues, the most prestigious existingContinue Reading

Updated 3/19/21 – 10:50 a.m. Arlington Public Schools (APS) officials accused Statesman varsity football players of using racial slurs during a fight at a recent game. The incident sparked controversy and larger concerns of a cultural issue at Marshall and within the athletic program. After a failed conversion on 4th-and-24Continue Reading

It was two days before the presentation, and I knew tomorrow I had work until the evening, Yvon had football practice, and Abby was embroiled in the logistics of a school-wide food drive. We decided to plan ahead and agreed to meet for Wednesday off hours. No warning given, noContinue Reading