Despite budget cuts of up to $1.5 million made throughout the county, school officials said the Marshall library has not suffered. Librarian Alanna Grayboyes said that Marshall has not been hit especially hard. ?Apart from some two thousand dollar decrease, we have not really been affected at all,? she said.Continue Reading

In the first quarter, students witnessed several fights during school. Administration, however, was unfazed. ?In my six years here, I recall about one fight a year,? assistant principal Jeanene Sims said. ?From my perspective, one to three is not that much.? While there were three fights in the first quarterContinue Reading

Class of 2009 graduate Claude Lee is finishing up his year of service in the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), a service organization under the umbrella of Americorps. Lee will graduate tomorrow. Lee, who took a year off before going to college to join the NCCC, is ?the youngest inContinue Reading

This year, Marshall Theatre chose to perform Chicago, an award-winning musical. The show has been approved, but contract issues and disagreements with state officials made approval difficult. In particular, there was an issue with the indemnity clause of the contract, leading to a delay in its signing, junior Bobby McCoyContinue Reading

Comedy Central talk show hosts Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert held the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear on the National Mall on Oct. 30. ?I can?t control what people think this was; I can only tell you my intentions,? Stewart said in his ?Moment of Sincerity.? ?This wasn?t aContinue Reading

Through a medium of Philadelphia blues and jazz with numerous spin-offs of various soul artists blending into his own style, John Legend collaborates with the well-known band The Roots for the first time in the album Wake Up! The soul-induced artist incorporates a mix of R&B voices from a StevieContinue Reading

Whether it is their creativity, their innovation or just their pure skill to perform, several people are pursuing their own idea of what it means to be a musician. A band that seeks a progressive art style is Foray M. An original project conceived by two juniors, guitarist Samuel RosenbergContinue Reading

Halo: Reach, the final Halo installment to be made by Bungie, the original Halo creators, is set directly prior to Halo: Combat Evolved. Humanity has been at war with the Covenant, a group of aliens embarking on a religious venture that involves annihilating humanity. Planet Reach is the military strongholdContinue Reading

Approaching the auditorium, soft pounding on the floor boards creates a steady beat made by the slapping, swaying and marching of feet. Opening the doors, a scream comes from inside: ?Don?t do it!? Oh yes, this is the unforgettable G-squad, Marshall?s one and only Step Team. Unlike other Marshall sportsContinue Reading

Following previous head basketball coach Bobby Forst?s departure, Dan Hale has stepped in as the new varsity basketball coach this year. Hale brings an in-depth background. He played four years of varsity basketball in high school. Hale also played three years at University of Hawaii and one year at ChaminadeContinue Reading