The summer movies lineup is filled to the brim, and, as with any set of choices, has good and bad options. The comedic stylings of the third movie in the Twilight series, which I hear is a full-movie buildup to a dramatic battle that does not actually take place, onlyContinue Reading

Though history teacher Tim Kane has spoken at three graduations already?most recently for the class of 2007?the senior class has once again elected him to be the speaker on June 18 at DAR Constitution Hall. Kane believes that his popularity as a speaker is due to his eccentric nature. KaneContinue Reading

When African Americans tried to mix with Whites during the Civil Rights years, the police and citizens enforced segregation by all means necessary. This fact is crucial to understanding an important time in our American history. But when merely communicated through the spoken word, can students truly grasp the hateContinue Reading

The crackle of the wrapper sounds deafening in the hush of the early morning. School is beginning and the nauseating, repulsive smell of fake strawberries is just too much. Are Pop-Tarts really necessary at such an early hour? All you want is tea ? an idea is born. Why notContinue Reading

Recently a show was performed after school to raise money for international charity. Although the International Club?s efforts should be applauded and supported, the effectiveness of foreign aid on a world scale has yet to be determined. Charity is one of the most celebrated acts of humanity, but many haveContinue Reading

For years, Alabama resident Laura Mallory campaigned against the wildly successful Harry Potter books, claiming them to be “dangerous and deceptive” and blaming them for “mainstreaming witchcraft [for children]”. Mallory challenged the books? placement in school libraries and appealed multiple times in effort to have the Potter series banned fromContinue Reading