Rank & File Debuts New Web Site

Rank & File announced today that it has launched the beta version of the newest incarnation of its online edition. A pet project of new publications adviser Daniel Reinish, the goal of the Web site is to provide an additional outlet for the Marshall community to view and appreciate the hard work of the school’s journalism students.

In addition to the downloadable PDFs of print editions available on the previous Web site, the new version also features fully electronic renditions of the monthly articles. These articles can be viewed and linked to via Web browswer like other sites on the Internet.

One advantage of this new setup is the ability for journalism students to post supplementary articles and other material beyond what is published in the print edition. This can serve as a potential learning aid for introductory journlalism students, and it allows the publications program to enter the emerging world of real-time media.

In the future, the ability for community members to comment on articles and interact with the publication in other ways may be implemented as well.