Peer tutoring capitalizes on collaboration

While the cost of private tutoring can range from 30 to 85 dollars, most schools offer peer tutoring for free.
Some benefits of peer tutoring include higher academic achievement, improved social development and increased motivation.
With the many benefits of peer tutoring, more students should take advantage of programs like the Writing Center.
The Writing Center allows students who need extra help on written assignments to work with a student tutor. Though there is a teacher supervising, it is up to the students to ask for help and collaborate with one another.
Students can request help for English, science, social studies and other writing homework.
The Writing Center offers tutoring sessions for students on Tuesdays and Fridays during Learn.
According to the National Tutoring Association, marked improvement in student learning is a result of students teaching students. The benefits of tutoring apply to both the student learning and the student teaching.
Peer tutoring can be a beneficial way for students to learn from each other because tutors might learn new information while helping another student. In other words, teaching a subject to someone else helps the student teacher learn as well.
The National Education Association (NEA) found student tutors are both producers and consumers of education, and that to teach is to learn twice.
Another study from the (NEA)found that peer tutoring can lead to improved social development and better relationships with peers.
Unlike studying independently, peer tutoring allows students to collaborate and learn from others at school.
For students who are more shy, tutoring centers allow students to meet new people and make friends.
Also, tutors who are juniors and seniors can help underclassmen with assignments they have worked on in previous years.
While students might prefer studying independently, I find it helpful to review with someone. From personal experience, working with others to achieve a goal is easier in comparison to working alone.
A student is more likely to understand the information when reviewing with another student, which can increase motivation.
Students should use school tutoring clubs and programs because they are free and can provide academic and social benefits.