The zero-tolerance drug possession policy is once again up for revision this June when the new Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) contract for the 2013-2014 school year is drafted up. Will the school board actually respond to popular demand this year by relaxing its rules regarding drug possession? It remains to be decided.

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One of the most stressful times for juniors and seniors at Marshall is just around the corner: prom.

The night is known for dancing and extravagant dresses spent with friends or that special someone, but if you don’t already have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, the hunt to find that partner can be frustrating.

Even if you already are in a long lasting relationship, there’s still the need to ask your partner-in-crime to the most important event of the year.
A solution to this dilemma is creating Prom Asking Week.

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Now is the time. Find a summer job! Many students in Northern Virginia are lucky enough to consider many options for their summer breaks: vacation, charity, travel, work. There is true value in an honest summer job for everybody, though, even those who don’t need the money.

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Called a “ground-breaking episode, a first for a scripted series on mainstream television,” on ABC Family’s website, the all-signed episode of Switched At Birth aired on March 4.

Switched explores issues of deaf discrimination, coming of age and identity with an innovative new show. “It’s an exciting, visual, empowering story of kids, who are different, fighting back, and it allows our audience to experience the world as our deaf characters do,” show producer Lizzy Weiss said to ABC.

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