Music mash-ups have been around ever since The Beatles and The Rolling Stones began multitrack recording in the late 60s; as many as 12 songs were recorded at once and then were mixed together to create a more complex song. Since then, mash-ups have become an Internet sensation through bothContinue Reading

After months of intense hype, Nintendo’s 3DS finally hit store shelves on Mar. 21. The system is the next generation of Nintendo’s handheld DS systems. When I first heard about the 3DS several months ago, I feared it would suffer the same fate as the DSi, the previous generation ofContinue Reading

When Algernon Moncrieff implores his friend Jack Worthing, who is spinning the tale of his double-life, to “pray, make it improbable,” he hits upon the very message of The Importance of Being Earnest: that deception (and un-deception, as one character puts it) become more trouble than they are worth whenContinue Reading

Thrillers have descended into a formula where you have a spy being hunted by some nameless intelligence agency. Hanna does not stray from this formula, yet the way Hanna’s story unfolds is simply breathtaking. Hanna, played by Saoirse Ronan (The Lovely Bones), trains with her father, played by Eric BanaContinue Reading

  The Royal wedding. The sensational event that had people waking up at four in the morning all over US and around the world to see.   The wedding that had an estimated expenditure of 35 million in preparations must have been a pompous affair.   We have all seenContinue Reading

Through a medium of Philadelphia blues and jazz with numerous spin-offs of various soul artists blending into his own style, John Legend collaborates with the well-known band The Roots for the first time in the album Wake Up! The soul-induced artist incorporates a mix of R&B voices from a StevieContinue Reading

Whether it is their creativity, their innovation or just their pure skill to perform, several people are pursuing their own idea of what it means to be a musician. A band that seeks a progressive art style is Foray M. An original project conceived by two juniors, guitarist Samuel RosenbergContinue Reading

Halo: Reach, the final Halo installment to be made by Bungie, the original Halo creators, is set directly prior to Halo: Combat Evolved. Humanity has been at war with the Covenant, a group of aliens embarking on a religious venture that involves annihilating humanity. Planet Reach is the military strongholdContinue Reading

NBC’s newest prime time show, The Event, was one that could be missed. Though not a bad show, The Event was nothing exceptional. The show uses a flashback technique that provides the viewer with an irrelevant details about the President (Blair Underwood) and background information for the main character?s story.Continue Reading